Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Murkalot doodles

I love all the baby murlocs in the greatness of WoW, but Murkalot has the nicest animations so far. And he kinda fit as our guild's mascot, so I'm trying to practice posing

Doodled between SoO10 pulls tonight; 10-15 mins each

Friday, May 31, 2013


Friend has pikachu as a text tone, so after hearing it for an hour I had to...  15 mins ish

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Everyone is doing it, so... Pokemon. We'll see how committed I can be to these as my evening subject matter...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


A year ago, I graduated... O_o Yikes, does time fly by when... stuff and things happen. 2012 was a rough one, but it's much better now! All the more reason to dust off this website of mine and post things.

Random doodles studying WoW dragons... hoping to finish Captain America of that Avengers set eventually >.>